Pronouns In Mandarin Chinese: Beginner's Guide

Written byZoe Mei

Chinese pronouns work pretty much the same way as English and other languages.

One notable difference however is that the third person doesn't differentiate gender (only when written).

Below you'll find a list of all Chinese pronouns and their types.

These include:

  • Personal Pronouns
  • The Possessive Pronouns
  • The Reflexive Pronouns

Personal Pronouns

These are the first pronouns you'll learn in any Mandarin Chinese course.

I , me
You (informal)
You (polite)nín
He, him
she, her
we, us我们wǒmen
you (plural)你们 nǐmen
they, them (mas)他们 tāmen
they, them (fem)她们tāmen
they, them (neutral)它们tāmen

Possessive Pronouns

This kind of pronouns has the same function in Chinese and English language. These pronouns are easy to make, you have to add 的 ("de"). There are some exceptions that are in literature.

my我的wǒ de
your (informal)你的nǐ de
your (polite)您的nín de
his他的tā de
her她的tā de
it's它的tā de
our我们的wǒmen de
your (plural)你们的nǐmen de
their (mas)他们的tāmen de
their (fem)她们的tāmen de
their (neutral)它们的tāmen de

Reflexive Pronouns

These pronouns have the same use as English reflexive pronouns. You can make these pronouns by appending 自己 ("zìjǐ") to the pronouns. These pronouns are only for humans.

myself我自己wǒ zìjǐ
yourself (informal)你自己nǐ zìjǐ
yourself (polite)您自己nín zìjǐ
himself他自己tā zìjǐ
herself她自己tā zìjǐ
ourselves我们自己wǒmen zìjǐ
yourself (plural)你们自己nǐmen zìjǐ
themself (mas)自己zìjǐ
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Author: Zoe Mei
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