Chinese Grammar: How To Use Adverbs

Written byZoe Mei

Adverbs are words that tell us when, how, why or where an action happens.

The adverbs in Mandarin Chinese are always before an adjective or a verb.

Note: In English, adverbs are usually formed by adding -ly to adjectives. In Chinese, many adverbs are formed from adjectives, simply by adding the suffix -de to adjectives.

 Slow - 慢 - MànQuick - 快 - Kuài
English AdverbsSlowlyQuickly
Chinese Adverbs慢 慢 地快 地
Pinyin AdverbsMàn man deKuài de

Adverbs of Time - 时间副词 - shí jiān  fù cí

yesterday昨 天zuó tiān 
today今 天jīn tiān
tomorrow明 天míng tiān
now现 在xiàn zài
then然 后rán hòu 
later后 来hòu lái
tonight今 晚jīn wǎn
right now马 上 / 立 即mǎ shàng / lì jí
last night昨 晚zuó wǎn
this morning今 早jīn zǎo
next week下 周xià zhōu
already已 经yǐ jīng
recently最 近zuì jìn
lately近 来jìn lái 
soon不 久bù jiǔ
immediately立 即lì jí
yet还 / 仍 然 / 尚hái or huán / réng rán / shàng
ago以 前yǐ qián

Adverbs of Place - 地点副词 - dì diǎn  fù cí

here这 里zhè lǐ
there那 里nà lǐ 
over there在 那 边zài nà biān
everywhere到 处dào chù
anywhere任 何 地 方rèn hé de fāng
nowhere无 处wú chù
home在 家 / 回 家zài jiā / huí jiā
away离 开 / 走 开lí kāi /zǒu kāi 
out出 外 / 在 外chū wài / zài wài
out向 外 / 离 去xiàng wài / lí qù

Adverbs of Manner - 方式副词 - fāng shì  fù cí 

very很 / 非 常hěn / fēi cháng
quite相 当xiāng dāng
pretty相 当 / 颇xiāng dāng / pō
really真 正 地 / 确 实 地zhēn zhèng de / què shí de
fast快 速 地 / 迅 速 地kuài sù de / xùn sù de
wellhǎo / hào
hard努 力 地nǔ lì di / nǔ lì de
quickly很 快hěn kuài
slowly慢 慢 地màn màn de
carefully小 心 地 / 认 真 地xiǎo xīn dì / rèn zhēn de
hardly几 乎 不jī hū bù
barely几 乎 不jī hū bù
mostly大 部 分 / 主 要 地dà bù fēn / zhǔ yào de
almost几 乎jī hū
absolutely绝 对jué duì
together一 起yī qǐ
alonedān / chán

Adverbs of Frequency - 频度副词 - pín dù  fù cí 

always总 是zǒng shì
frequently常 常 / 频 繁 地cháng cháng / pín fán de
frequently经 常 地jīng cháng de
usually通 常 / 平 常tōng cháng / píng cháng
sometimes有 时yǒu shí
occasionally偶 尔ǒu ěr 
seldom很 少hěn shǎo
rarely很 少hěn shǎo
never从不cóng bù


I play soccer sometimes.

有 时 我 玩 足 球

Yǒu shí wǒ wán zúqiú

I go to school every day.

我 去 上 学 , 每 天

Wǒ qù shàngxué, měi tiān

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